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Photonics rocks in India @ APW 2010, Cochin!

It was indeed a pleasure and an honour to attend the Annual Photonics Workshop (APW) 2010 at Cochin. Organized by the International School of Photonics (ISP) and Center for Excellence in Laser and Optoelectronic Sciences (CELOS), at the famed Cochin University of Science and Technology (CUSAT). This has been my first interaction with India’s photonics community and students, and the experience has been worth the while.

Quantum cpmputing with photons @ APW2010, Cochin!

Quantum cpmputing with photons @ APW2010, International School of Photonics, Cochin!

The workshop was on a subject — Quantum Optics — that is quite far removed from what we would generally get to see in the IT industry. It was targeted at the young researchers and teachers in the various colleges, universities and other research institutions.

How often does one get to see demonstrations of experiments like quantum eraser, thermal lens based logic gates, and so on and so forth? Or for that matter, get to hear about quantum cryptography using quantum and classical optics? Needless to say, there is lot of exciting young talent in the country, especially in the areas of photonics, lasers and optoelectronics.

Corporates working in these areas would do well to join hands with CUSAT for the forthcoming workshops, and help give the workshop the ‘true and real’ stature it deserves.

Now, I will be writing about some of the happenings at APW 2010 on my blog that is hosted by Photonics.com in the US, and would request all of you to kindly visit that particular blog to know more!

On a personal note, I am extremely grateful to Prof. VPN Nampoori and Prof. P. Radhakrishnan at the International School of Photonics, Cochin, and to Dr. Reji Philip at the Raman Research Institute in Bangalore, for having me over at APW-2010, and making it an enjoyable experience.

Special thanks to my friends, Priya Ramachandran and Mr Q, for their very warm hospitality!

  1. March 1, 2010 at 5:31 pm

    I had a very interesting discussion with Prof. C.P. Girijavallabhan, Professor Emeritus, International School of Photonics (ISP), CUSAT, and founder director, ISP. Would be adding that on the photonics.com blog! So, do stop by there! 😉

    Also, many thanks to those patrons and well wishers who have stopped by to read this post! Keeps my faith going in photonics.

  2. Alex @ Precision Photonics
    October 22, 2010 at 3:15 pm

    Hi Pradeep, I would love to see some video or presentations online from workshops like this. Do you happen to know of any sites that provide that sort of content?

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