
Archive for the ‘Workhound’ Category could help you find semicon and embedded jobs!

I came across, thanks to a press release sent by a friend.

According to the release, TwitterJobSearch is said to be the first ‘smart’ search engine that extracts meaning from Twitter content to create a real-time, global online resource of all jobs posted onto the platform.

It “uses relevancy algorithms developed by Workhound, the UK’s largest job search engine, and the technology will build out into further social media channels and topics, providing semantic intelligence capabilities for social media platforms, business and consumers.”

Curious, I did try out a couple of searches. The results were simply mind-boggling!

The first search I tried out was “Jobs in Semiconductors.” Well, TwitterJobSearch threw up a whopping 14,221 results found in 0.047 seconds!

Next, I tried searching “Jobs in Embedded”! Well, no surprises!! The response? It threw up 14,224 results found in 0.062 seconds! has to be the MOST efficient job search engine! A Twitter job search engine, it is said to be the first ‘smart’ search engine that extracts meaning from Twitter content to create a real-time, global online resource of all jobs posted onto the platform.

I mentioned elsewhere that while I am not sure about the quality of the search results being thrown up, the results themselves are likely to thrill the job seeker — simply because of the variety of options it is throwing up!

A lot of you have asked me to help out with jobs. Friends, in case you are looking for a job, or have friends who need help, maybe, it would be worth trying out TwitterJobSearch! Power to micro-blogging, to all the micro-bloggers, and well, all the bloggers. Power to TwitterJobSearch too, for making available such an unique job search engine in these times of recession.

As they say — you help someome during a recession, you will be revered for the rest of your life. Hopefully, this is such a tool!

Friends, do share your job search experiences with me, please. Best of luck!